Thank You for your interest in this unique on-campus student work experience.
The information below provides details about our student work opportunity and how to apply. We would look forward to receiving your information for consideration.
About the Position
Residence Coordinators provide support services to overnight guests, conference attendees and meeting organizers. Stationed at the front reception desk, Residence Coordinators interact directly with guests from around the world, ensuring a high level of assistance and attention. From personal greetings during check in and check out, to handling meeting and special accommodation requests, to overseeing details and guest satisfaction after supervisory staff has gone home, Residence Coordinators hold a responsible and experiential role in guest operations.
- J. Vizzi - Former Student and Residence Coordinator -
"At the Inn, we serve guests from over 42 countries. Skills learned at the Inn assisted me in obtaining an internship at Disney. With Disney being a company that prides itself on diversity and having so many people visit across the nation, knowing how to efficiently communicate with international guests is essential."
As a Student, You'll Receive:
- A 75 block meal plan [Fall & Spring Semester] or, a competitive hourly rate [Summer Staffing]
- Private room in a shared gender-neutral apartment in Starkey Apartments
- Indispensable resume credentials
The Rutgers University Inn and Conference Center is a self sustaining enterprise, providing students with real life business, customer, and organizational experience.
Gain Real Work Experience
- Work/study balance
- Empathy and rapport with others
- Organizational and customer communications
- Emotional intelligence
- Maturity and self confidence
- Deeper work experience and credentials
Join Other Rutgers Students
- Who think and act on their feet
- Study business, biology, engineering, social work, economics and more
- Have healthy work and interpersonal ethics
- Have friendly and helpful personalities
- Are diverse in thinking, values and perspectives
- Leverage education & employment opportunities
A detailed listing of qualifications, responsibilities, and compensation for this Residence Coordinator position is available in this Full Scope Opportunity sheet.
Apply Today!
For position consideration, applicants must be in good academic standing, have leadership potential as shown through past experiences, possess strong interpersonal, critical thinking and communication skills. Previous facility and supervisory experience preferred.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please complete the RC Interest Form AND send your resume to
If your experience and schedule meets our needs, we will be in touch to schedule an interview.
About the Rutgers University Inn and Conference Center
The Rutgers University Inn and Conference Center is located on the Cook/Douglass campus of Rutgers University. We welcome travelers visiting the Rutgers campus and the New Brunswick area, offering 35 guestrooms and 3,000 square feet of meeting space for groups of 5 to 100.